Hajime no Ippo is a 2000 Japanese anime series based on the manga written by George Morikawa. The first 75-episode anime television series, produced by Madhouse, Nippon Television and VAP and directed by Satoshi Nishimura, aired on Nippon TV between October 4, 2000, and March 27, 2002.[1] The episodes were collected into twenty-five DVDs released by VAP from March 16, 2001 to March 21, 2003.[2][3] The last DVD includes a special episode which did not air in Japan, numbered 76.[3] A television film titled Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road aired on April 18, 2003.[4] An original video animation (OVA) titled Hajime no Ippo Mashiba vs. Kimura was released on September 5, 2003.[5]
watch ippo new challenger
Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger is a sequel to the first season, and you can also watch it after the first part, but if you follow our recommended order, you can maximize the watching experience.
Ippo continues his career as a professional boxer, trying to live up to his role as the Japanese champion. Now that a new generation looks up to him as both a role model and a target - even though he's still a little green behind the ears himself - Ippo must develop his skills both inside and outside the ring. Can the kind Ippo ruthlessly crush his challengers and be a man his younger peers can look up to? And ultimately, can he take his skills to the level where he can follow in Date Eiji's footsteps and aim for the international title? Pro boxing is a difficult sport; Ippo and his friends - even the mighty Kimura, must survive in a competetive world where all others must fall in order for one to rise to the top...
Back when I watched the 75 episodes of the original season of Hajime no Ippo aI remarked that I wished that I had interspersed it with some lighter anime. It was a decent enough series but it was a real slog at times. Still, as part of it you got to see a good story of a guy go from awkward school boy/fisherman to a potentially world class boxer. This arc and the interjected humour really helped me to keep going.
Hopefully, this helps you figure out how to watch Hajime no Ippo in Order. For more on the series and some of its best moments, check out our list of the best anime fights of all time and our list of the best anime villains of all time. You can also find some recommendations for other great sports anime via our best sports anime list.
Hajime no Ippo is a Japanese boxing-themed manga series written and illustrated by George Morikawa. Anime Adaption of this series is made by Madhouse which aired on Nippon TV from October 2000 to March 2002. A movie and also an original video animation (OVA) premiered in 2003.
Hajime no Ippo (Fighting Spirit) is an excellent Shounen, Sports, Comedy, Action anime created by Popular studio Madhouse. So if you are planning to watch Hajime no Ippo then follow the Hajime no Ippo Watch Order listed below. 2ff7e9595c